We’d like to announce the winner of the 2015 You Show Academy Awards… the envelope please? The winner is:
If you have not noticed, the activity has waned a bit on our side. We have not even made some big announcement about the You Show being over… because it is not over.
There were some grand plans to have a final celebration, and even one more video, but some recent developments have kept Brian and Alan busy in prep for a big opportunity with some big shots in one of those large cities west of here. Apparently the Consultant from Vancouver was impressed with the Show Maker Over, people’s people are having lunch together. The Tech Guys are on reassignment on some important work involving rewiring hard drives.
What does this mean for the You Show? Everything we have done is here for you when you are ready to pick things up again, all the activities in the units, the tool collection in the Prop Room, and more helpful information in the Guide Book. We’ve added some of the more important links to the “Useful Stuff” menu on this site.
What does this mean for your blog? That’s up to you (no pressure) (okay, a little pressure). If your site is in the TRUbox server, it is not going anywhere, so you can continue to work on it. We hope people continue writing updates in their blog space and shaping their sites to be full portfolios or project sites.
Alan has a new assignment in Arizona, but will be available to anyone from the You Show with questions (and hopes there are chances to return in the future). Brian will be handling local inquiries here at TRU, and check with him for possible future iterations of the You Show.
You never know.
So put Bernie on the shelf (that’s the dude on the statue) and keep the You Show Way alive.
It’s been quite a show and no reason to stop.

We really, really like you, too.