About me

Hi everyone,


Thanks for visiting my site. Feel free to look around and leave a comment if you wish.  I believe in sharing with, and learning from, others who are as interested in education and social justice issues as I am.


A Bit About My Background

I am originally from Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean, but I have been living in Canada for many years. I have been an educator for 33 years, mainly as a secondary school teacher teaching many different subjects to many types of learners in many locations, including Trinidad and Canada. I am now an instructional designer at Thompson Rivers University (TRU)Open Learning in Kamloops, BC, Canada. I have knowledge and skills in learning design, curriculum development and delivery, distance education and online learning, open educational resources, undergraduate and graduate collaborative program design, educational technology and educational leadership.


I love dancing, fishing and basking in the sunshine whenever I can. I also love being a grandma.

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