Every story starts with one word…

..or one image…or maybe even a sound, which may lead to an image or a word…

Forgive me reader(s?), but I have sinned. It has been YEARS since my last entry.  I’m not sure which is worse…suffering from a lack of big ideas, or suffering from the deeply held belief that I have nothing original (or interesting, or worthwhile) to say. And for that matter, I’m not sure which of those two creative impediments are holding me back the most.  Painting is easier to some degree than writing, because it is imperative for me to express myself that way at least a few times a year. Call it a visual purge or technicolour self-love, but there it is for all the world to see. I have to admit, writing and telling my story fulfills a biological need for me just as much as the next girl, and using words is just as imperative to my psyche as painting is, but it is much less work and takes less commitment in order to delete (or burn) a paragraph or two (or ten pages, as it were) than whitewashing another canvas. Plus I’m sort of shy. (Quit snickering, dear hubby – it’s true!) Using a visual medium means that I don’t have to commit to any one meaning, and the viewer can impose a much more intelligent meaning on the work than what may have been originally intended. (Me: What do YOU think that painting of a chicken represents? ;-))

Yes, dear reader, there have been many false starts, jumbled attempts to make sense of the world, musings and depressingly meaningless (?) little observations. But finally….wait for it….

this heroine is finding her voice (or a soapbox to stand on?) and she is ready to try again. As part of an 8-week series called The You Show (http://youshow.trubox.ca/2014/12/15/you-show-episode-0/), I’ve just participated/ witnessed a wonderful presentation by Alan Levine (I keep thinking Adam Levine – any relation?) about Storymaking. And guess what? As part of the work in this initiative, they want to see the attempts! They want to hear the meta-talk, not so much the finished product! I can do that! I’m supposed to make mistakes! They may even help me be more succinct and effective in what and how I communicate as a result! (a tall order)

For better or for worse, I have now semi-committed to posting sorry little epitaphs to past life events and possibly self-absorbed (most definitely self-indulgent) broodings about my life and passions for all the world to see. Now doesn’t that make you want to follow my story?

You’re welcome.