
Recently, my co-workers and I were bundled up and moved into a much smaller cozier office. What better way to start the new year than with… bunk beds for everyone!



1) “The tin” is always warm. And not that soft, cozy, tea by the fire warmth but that real sweaty, sticky, wet blouse warmth. It’s nice. You feel a real connection with your coworkers when you breathe in their diaphoresis and moist droplets form on your skin. #sharingiscaring

5ab4610a201ff423b87f6eb5f6a6cd072) You always know what is going on in the daily lives of your coworkers. Like knowing your cubby-mate’s daughter’s shoe size and the number of times she puked last night. I know my kiddy-corner-mate’s secret love of funny bathroom cross-stitch patterns #donthateurinate, and our combined calf width could rival the LTP #athleteproblems

 3) Not to mention, you get to know your tin-mates by smell. There’s the tuna lovers with the hardboiled egg fetish (my personal fav), the post-bootcamp aromatics, the cologne lovers and the my-shoes-are-too-tight-better-go-without survivors.





Really, there aren’t any cons to this sardine jungle. But, I set out with the intention to write a comparison piece and I never say ‘No’ to a challenge, so…. (FYI: this is a figurative “I never say No statement” because I say no all the time).

1) There’s literally never enough treats. On a daily basis, my sugar levels are borderline comatose and yet ne’r a chocolate, donut, pastry, or lemon-y birthday cake in sight.