Having to create this blog, for example. Is a change I’m still struggling with. What do I write about? What will be interesting to others to read? How can I make this relevant, and therefore interesting, to myself? I have tried in the past a blog about eating Paleo, but as I started to struggle with trying to follow that way of life my blog fell apart. I tried just a general blog about life, but don’t feel my life is that interesting (who really wants to read a blog on how I made dinner for my family after work and played with my daughter) so that one fell apart quickly. Plus, I like something with focus and not random tidbits about anything.
I’m not a writer. English was always one of my worst subjects (although better than P.E.!). I’m a math girl. I love the concrete, the tangible, the “it’s right or it’s wrong” concept. Writing/English is to fluffy for me. I’m direct, straight-forward and don’t like trying to create fluff, or add humour or anything of that sort. I enjoy reading it in others posts, but cannot come up with things myself (if I do it’s rare and usually an accident).
Maybe I create a math blog and just put a bunch of algebraic equations up here, or spreadsheets. I’d have fun just trying to work that out! It’s a passion that I feel makes me great at my job. Oh all the spreadsheets I get to create and maintain! I love it and take such pleasure from it and it’s making me happier just thinking about it right now…
Hmm…time to think of how I can put something like that in a blog post now….