Walk the Talk

I work with a lot of intelligent, powerful women which can be both uplifting and intimidating all at once. Trying to appear confident and composed like the dignified lion rather than the eager yet exasperating Boston Terrier well… it’s a struggle. Luckily, I’ve composed a list of Do’s and Don’ts to help any animal find their groove in this lipstick jungle #yourwelcome

1) Adopt a power posture.I don’t need to tell you (because Amy Cuddy will) that a relaxed yet slightly tensed, calculated slouch demonstrates both confidence and indifference. #becoolbutnottoocool


2) Say “Yes”… but sometimes say “No.” Being busy is actually a good thing because a) it keeps you out of trouble, b) practice makes perfect, and c) time flies when you’re having fun #amiright. But, taking on too much work or accepting a project that’s beyond your skill set can also lead to burn out which means your poor tin-mates get stuck with your leftovers.

3) Sometimes it’s better to say nothing…

4) If you don’t know how to do something learn how to do it. There’s a long list of things that I can’t do, such as:

  • changing a tire
  • grilling a steak
  • weed-wacking (OK OK, this one I don’t actually want to do and nor do I trust myself to do it #tenfingerstentoes)
  • speaking French

Let’s face it! I’m an embarrassment! But, it doesn’t have to be this way! In the past year, I have added the following skills to my resume through perseverance, online research, networking, and good ‘ol gumption:

  • marketer
  • grant writer
  • blogger
  • social media guru @TRUCommunityU
  • web strategist

5) Dress to impress. My personal favourite: lululemon tights and a dress. The dress says lady-like yet professional while the tights say flexible and ready for action.


Bonus tip: tell your coworkers you do yoga. People associate yogis with thoughtful reflection and understanding. This will buy you some time on Friday afternoons when you’ve checked out and your brain has already flipped to weekend-mode, a.k.a. OITNB #crimsomtide
