When your boss tells you everyone is going to have to start tracking their hours.
When contracts get backed up in the queue and instructors haven’t been paid in a month.
When Old Main floods… again.
When the office newbie finds himself stuffed in the tin with 4 women.
3:57… 3:58… 3:59… 4:00pm!!!
When the Aqua Pure guy drops off the refill.
When you’ve saved a bunch of receipts and are ready to claim petty cash… and it’s 3:31pm.
When your alarm goes off at 6:00am on Monday morning.
When your coworker bails out of ACM training and you have to attend alone.
When you have to ask your coworker for the millionth time how to create a PSA in HR Smart… or Fast… or is it Banner? Argos??? Wait… I think it’s supposed to be a PTIC…
When your boss tells you and your coworker to go to Costco to pick up supplies for Welcome Back BBQ.
When your boss gives you props for an idea you came up with last minute.
When you get caught stashing office supplies in your purse…
When your coworker asks you to help out at the Student Orientation booth.