Sorry for the Mess!

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In the spirit of YouShow15’s I Don’t Need to Be Sorry Breather Week, in my down time between class and work assignments, I plan on giving my blog site a facelift. Lately, I’ve tried on a number of different themes in my quest to create a site which features a front page. It took me a while to warm up to the idea of showcasing my blog by way of a front page, or as Alan Levine/Cogdog outlines in his 5 Feb 15 blog: One Click Featuring in WordPress Sites, “display[ing] posts from a category,” as the idea of swapping out what I’d just become familiar with made me feel uneasy. Yet, after much exposure to this new blog format via YouShow15’s materials on such, I’m finding the look/feel of the centralized hub design more appealing with each passing day. Interacting with YouShow15’s website has worked to facilitate a faster and better comprehension and appreciation of a front page design.

In addition to the blog makeover, I hope to get caught up on the audio portions of the lessons during the I Don’t Need to Be Sorry Breather Week. And for that, I won’t say I’m sorry. How cool is that, never having to say you’re sorry.