Older People are Smarter

posted in: Highlight Reel | 0

Disclaimer #1: to get some context for this post, you must first watch this Louis C.K. video.

Disclaimer #2: I’m going to go ahead and give this video an “R” rating. While hilarious and accurate opinionated, these words are not for gentle ears.

Now that I’m 31 I feel like I’ve earned some of the credibility I felt entitled to yet did not receive at 21.

Looking back, I thought I knew everything and yet, in reality, I knew nothing about life, relationships, money, cars, relationships, power, ownership, humanity, or relationships.

At 21, my main priorities were:

1) Find a guy, keep him, let him take care of me.

2) Get a college education, gain respect, get hired for life.

3) Pick a sport, practice all day, become a star athlete.

At 31, my priorities have shifted:

1) Cherish my friends, tell them I love and respect them, keep them close.

2) Strive for excellence by learning new skills, practicing those skills, and teaching others.

3) Take care of myself. Eat nutritious foods. Exercise. Nap. Read. Research. Find creative outlets.

How do I know that I am smarter at 31?

– I have fallen madly in love and and been loved in return.

– I have lost love.

– I have defended a thesis and did not die.

– I have been responsible for 30 children for 6 hours at a time and I did not lose a single one.

– I have a positive balance on my credit card.

– My boss gave me a credit card.

– I have 9 followers on my blog.

At 41… I am excited and terrified to see how much smarter I will be.