I’m a dork. A nerd. Pretty much the most awkward human and yet… I just don’t care. You can’t make me care. I embrace my dork-i-ness.

But, there are times in life when being a dork can be a bit much. For example, when you’re trying to meet a guy and rather than spending Saturday night at the bar you’d rather spend it watching OINB on Netflix, crocheting, and practicing the middle splits.

My brileighant coworker came up with an idea for a dating app that could change the lives of introverts forever. Imagine this: You’re at home, in your cozy bed, watching your favourite show on Netflix when all of a sudden you hear this little *bing*. What’s that? That’s the new Matchflix© app telling you there’s a gorgeous hunk watching… You guessed it! The exact same show as you! #mindblown And he’s likely snuggled up next to a bowl of Chicago mix, marking report cards and icing his quads. #agirlcandream

Why stop there? Let’s make a KOBO app, as well. Cause this is 2015 and we know that no one meets the love of their life at the library anymore. We’ll call it KOBO-YOLO© or LibraryLovers©, EasyReaders©… hahaha OK, maybe not that last one. #wrongmessage

I’m pretty lucky, though. My bestie is easily the hippest person I know. She can pull off ghetto hipster, Tibetan princess, or MVP baller. She’ll be the first to tell me that my beloved lulu tights tucked into my new, trendy short-boots look like toothpicks stuck in buckets. #tryingtobecoolfail

It’s not all doom & gloom for us dorks, though. Here are some hot tips to play it cool while embracing your dorkdom:

1) Confidence. There’s nothing sexier than confidence.

2) Improv. a.k.a when trying to act cool and you royally mess it up


3) Simplify. The smartest people can take the most complex ideas and explain them in a way that even a llama could grasp.


4) And, finally, despite the desire to spend your evenings reading, stretching, working out, practicing handstands, napping, watching Netflix, cross-stitching, writing shameless blog posts about yourself… Well, every once in a while, it’s a good idea to let you friends know you’re still alive and enjoy spending time with them.

cat meme