
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m an all or nothing kind of person. I guess you could call that competitive or passionate but it comes down to confidence. I like to do things well and I don’t like to look silly.

The downfall? I’m not much of a risk-taker and I have a hard time balancing work, hobbies, and relationships.

The upside? When you’ve got my attention you’ve got laser-focus.

One of my obsessions is crossfit. I’ve been doing crossfit since January of 2010. Here is a link to my workout log with daily reflections: Alana’s Wod Log

If you would like to follow my programming… Don’t. My body is ruined. One of the negative side effects of this obsession is over training which leads to biceps strains, tendonitis, callouses, anxiety, and bruised egos collarbones . Upside? 6-pack abs, 40″ vertical, sub 5-minute mile, 3 x bodyweight deadlift… hahahahahaha My bestie will tell you that abs are made in the kitchen #thestruggleisreal

If you don’t know what crossfit is… well, have you been living under a rock??? In short, it’s the sport of exercising #soglamourous Here’s a link for more info: Crossfit Games