Blog Action Day 2013: Human Rights

In a world of limited goods, we must be prepared to set aside what we consider ours by right, in order to allow others access to goods and services that are common, whether food, shelter, clothing, technology, education, or any other expectation we might have for our lives on this planet.

Indeed, talk of rights needs to be talk about others, rather than talk about ourselves. Our chief concern, given that I have the technology to write this and you, the technology to read it, should be open access for the many who cannot access this technology, due to poverty and lack of education.

I applaud the efforts of the many who are engaged to provide clean water, healthy food, micro-loans to start small businesses, affordable housing, clothing, and the many other goods that are lacking in many areas of the world. I am involved in such efforts as a contributor, as I am able. However, the focus of my own skills is in education, and it is that service that I believe myself most capable to make a difference in the world. For this reason, I am a strong advocate of free and open education to all levels. (I also advocate for free and open access to all published information, but that is another topic.)

I am in search of others whose goal is to provide open access high-quality education at the university level, both undergraduate and graduate. I teach mainly in communication, linguistics, and philosophy.