Finally getting started with this site

I created this site through Reclaim Hosting so, so long ago that I can’t remember when it was. I managed to start filling out the #ds106 part of the site (info on #ds106 here) awhile ago, but haven’t done anything with my main site.

Now’s the time. A perfect opportunity came up when I learned about The You Show being run out of Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, BC, by Brian Lamb and Alan Levine. The idea is to showcase, well, you. Or rather, me.

I plan to use this experience to start creating an portfolio that I could eventually use for my upcoming application to the next level of my position at the University of British Columbia, “Professor of Teaching.” I’m in a faculty position that focuses on teaching, rather than research, and there are three levels of that sort of position. I’m in the second level, and soon will be applying for the third. I need a portfolio of my work, so this is a perfect opportunity for me.

Looking forward to getting started!

Oh, and you can see a bit more about me on the “About” page of my main blog (I’ll set up an about page here sometime too; I just don’t have one yet).

Here’s the place where I do most of my blogging:

Here’s me on Twitter: @clhendricksbc


