Snow Day, Jazz Play, Loki’s Way

A song by Kevin:

A response by me:

It was a snow day. Unfettered time granted by simple circumstance. Mad Loki pops up and says, “What is not forbidden is allowed. Ask neither permission or forgiveness.” It is a jazz story, part call and response and part improv riff. The story that Kevin’s music and my multimodal accompaniment bring is one of friendship and play. Exactly like a snow day where you get up in the morning, look out the window, and thrill inside to the hoped for freedoms it symbolizes. Then you find out, yes, school is in abeyance, held off by helpful Trickster Loki, a time lapse, undeserved yet given, a gift from the gods because they love to see us play.

So we play, homo ludens, making and connecting across time and space with good will and fun the only commons. It is, as James Carse calls, the infinite game. Just don’t put yer eye out, kid.