TRU has been blessed to have @cogdog visiting us since the end of October-ish, and he and @brlamb have been work/playing with an idea called SPLOT.

creative commons licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Brett Jordan

The idea is to create very simple tools that students can use without logins or any need to identify themselves. Part of the impetus for the project is to appease the GUARDIANS of PRIVACY ™.

One of the tools was in beta-test this morning, so by now should be ready to go and it allows users to upload CC images and contribute to a pool of images. Check out imagepool.trubox.ca.

I’d like something similar, but for creating an annotated, crowd-sourced list of useful resources and references.

Input would be similar to the web form at Zotero.org.

The key data to collect would be what would typically be found in a bibliography in an academic paper. Each entry would become a new post on a blog accessible to everyone in the class, which could then be exported to a reference manager like Zotero or Evernote.

Whaddya think?