taming the beast

This post is coming to you from an iPad via the iOS WordPress app…we will see how it goes.

This theme that I purchased really does look slick, but there are a tonne of options, and it is taking a while to get my site to do what I want, but with a little help from someone else’s eyes (Alan) we figured out how to change the background on the sections on my portfolio page. That was a significant barrier preventing me from moving forward. Now that that is solved, I am at peace. Right now, I’m working towards populating the ‘learning’ link in the menu at the top of the page.

It has been a bit of a grind to get things to where I think they best fit, but it has been rewarding. I knew that I wanted the top menu to include those six verbs that you see there right now, and for other content (posts and portfolios and media) to fall under those categories, but I didn’t know how best to make it happen.

At one point I had a whole series of pages and sub-pages and sub-sub-pages, but that quickly got out of hand and was abandoned.

I want for there to be a sense of flow through the portfolio, like Vonnegut’s story shapes. I’m not sure that my thesis will have quite the same rising and falling action as a good novel, but, at the very least, there should be a sense that the material is both compelling and well-presented and that those who start reading will want to learn more.

Currently, I have things set up so that there are six pages, each corresponding to one of the six verbs, and those pages are included in the menu you see in the header. The theme I am using has a drag and drop interface that allows me to insert various different types of content into the page and have it update dynamically.

So the ‘learning’ page has two modules, each drawing in a portfolio category. The top module is displaying every portfolio post in the ‘SSI’ (Structured Student Interactions), and the other is displaying the ‘CoI’ (Community of Inquiry) tag.

It all makes sense in my mind…how about yours?