The Relaxi Taxi

It’s been awhile since I wrote a blog post due to the fact that I was lounging my life away on holidays in San Pancho, Mexico, enjoying the hot sun, empty beaches and a beautiful wedding. I left on vacation with good intentions, I would workout, blog and maybe even study a bit. I decided to leave my trusty Macbook at home and bring my iPad instead..its much more practical for travelling and if it were to get thieved I would be less upset than if my laptop were stolen. Unfortunately, its a pain in the ass to type on and there was just no fucking chance I was going sit down and try to put my clumsy fingers into action on the sensitive iPad touch screen. Also – I decided that I would just not use my brain for an entire week. Yep, that’s right, I shut that puppy down for a solid eight days.

The vacation was beautiful and the town we stayed in was adorable, quiet and the beaches were stunning. We rented a private villa and it was pretty rad, had an amazing view and was steps from the beach. I know I know, I am really making you feel sorry for me right now; being in a beautiful place for a week without work or stress was horrendous ;). However, there was ONE PROBLEM…no gym in the city, no gym near by and nothing to stop this girl from becoming an out of shape disaster. But wait…Crossfit is functional fitness, you can do it anywhere and you don’t need a gym – fact #1, running is simple no equipment necessary and you can do it almost anywhere – fact #2, you don’t need a gym to stay active – fact #3, it’s vacation stop stressing and relax – fact #4.

Where am I going with this you ask, other than recapping a beautiful holiday spent lounging around in the sun and making you want to punch me square in the throat?

FullSizeRenderWorking out on vacation…some of us do it, some of us take it as a much needed break and some of us don’t workout in real life, so why the hell would we workout on holidays? If the third scenario is true,  I don’t really know why you read this blog because its irrelevant to your life, but thanks for the support! But…what do you do if you are like me and you LOVE to workout but have no access to a gym and even running is a problem because the place you are visiting is sketchy, the roads are ratchet cobblestone and running in the sand destroys your back???

Option #1 – Get a coach or a friend to make you some workouts, because, if you are anything like me and make up your own workouts, you will be less likely to actually do the work and more likely to slack off because of lack of accountability. #imsecretlysounmotivated

FullSizeRenderOption #2 – You can always do workouts with a mix of – burpees, push ups, sit ups, air squats, pistol squats, lunges, dips, double unders, hallow rocks, super mans and hand stands. No Excuses. You can be anywhere and these are possible. #justdoit

Option #3 – Run..if you can. You can almost always run, its the universal exercise. If you hate running, learn to like it a little bit, its important. In hindsight, I probably should have run more on my vacay. But beach running is not for me because it hurts my back and running on fucked up cobblestone through a small sketchy town isn’t my jam either. #excusesexcuses

Option #4 – Find a playground. Lots of cities have children’s playgrounds and there is usually a plethora of equipment available for pull-ups, muscle-ups, t2b, box jumps, and endless other things.

IMG_2475Option #5 – Get active. Check out local attractions – walk, hike, surf, paddle board, kayak, climb, swim, rent bikes and explore.  Depending on where you are, these activities may be available. Try new things and don’t feel stressed out about getting in a met con. The entire purpose of Crossfit is functional fitness and enabling you to try other new sports and activities.

That is all I’ve got for ya, not the most exciting or jam packed post and not even comical. If you have no vacations planned in the future and have not been on a vacation in a long time then you are probably ready to kick me in the box right abut now. That being said…take a vacation or at least a break. There is nothing like a week away from the gym to reignite your passion.