stretching the mind

I have a bit of a weird relationship with the arts.

I appreciate the beauty of a wide variety of music, architecture, literature and such. I married a woman with a degree in music whose major instrument throughout her degree was voice, but who is also an accomplished pianist and can play a guitar, a little. [Is that like saying ‘I have a friend who is _____!’?]

I also appreciate design and the power of images. My wife, however, the aforementioned artist, does not understand why I think comic sans is a font for kids and why I react with snobbish disdain when an adult uses comic sans in typed communication to other adults. Last May at our annual OLFM Workshop, I invited Lisa Thiessen to come and graphically record the sessions.

Click to view slideshow.

As you can see, she is good.

So, what of my fine motor skills? Well…not so much. I have had difficulty drawing stick figures all my life, my handwriting is horrific. Pretty much every artistic endeavour I undertake ends up looking like this (with bonus points for comic sans).

Or does it…

Here is something I drew when I was living in Japan.

Yesterday, I was in a meeting and we were thinking through the structure of a webpage for the faculty development course I’ve created and I suggested that we could have a landing page in WordPress to which participants are directed after registration. I managed to draw an outline of the setup on the whiteboard, and then it became clear that the landing page was redundant, so I drew a black ‘X’ through it. As conversation continued, we realized that the landing page needed to be replaced by a person…so I drew a circle.

Drawing Skillz

Drawing Skillz

I’m pretty sure the designers in the room recognized the brilliance of what had just (accidentally) happened.

Then last night I was inspired to summarize my day in one word and to make it fancy. I downloaded the free Paper app by FiftyThree and got to play on my iPad. My WotD was determined to be DWaB (Dude With a Beard). After just a few tests and getting used to the interface, I got the word onto the paper and started in on making it fancy with Nancy’s five shapes. Triangles and squares are pretty easy, circles a little harder, but spirals are surely the spawn of Satan himself.

Here is what I ended up with.

Dude With a Beard

Apparently my ability to accidentally draw people with letters and circles is a bit of a superpower.