The secret distance-learning university of Iran

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FREE Documentary – Discussion – Food – Live Music The Baha’is of Iran are forbidden to study or teach at universities. They responded by organizing a secret distance-learning university.  Some of its students now attend grad school in Canada and the US. Come and watch with us To Light A Candle a fascinating documentary by … Continue reading The secret distance-learning university of Iran

Sitting is the new smoking

Ward Elementary School in North Carolina filled a classroom with donated stationary bikes and invited students to read and pedal. Result:  “Students who spent more time in the Read and Ride program achieved 83% proficiency in reading while students who spent the least amount of time in the program had significantly lower scores, with only … Continue reading Sitting is the new smoking

Is online learning valuable and legimitate?

In a recent US study, almost 71 % of academic leaders see online learning as a crucial part of their long-term strategy. Yet only 28% of the faculty value online learning and find it a legitimate educational model ( I would not be surprised if our Canadian numbers stacked up similarly. If so, then this … Continue reading Is online learning valuable and legimitate?

Experiencing Experiential Learning

“Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.”     Albert Einstein   Together with my colleagues, Kelly Warnock and Ken Monroe, I presented an interactive, hands-on workshop on Experiential Learning for TRU’s students, staff and faculty. Watch it here: Part1: Part 2:  

Of Castles, Robots and Sleeping Beauties

The banner of my blog may take you by surprise.  Believe me, my initial banner was a refreshing but rather ho-hum, nondescript image of a tropical beach. Yawn. Then I decided to step up my game with this mighty castle, and a smooth robot kissing  a Sleeping Beauty. You are welcome. But it’s not just … Continue reading Of Castles, Robots and Sleeping Beauties