critiquing your thinking

I attended a conference last weekend and was particularly interested in the breakout session on critical thinking by Dr. Matthew Etherington, who recounted his experience at a recent education conference where he attended a panel discussion on critical thinking. One of the pronouncements made by one of the panelists (a longtime teacher educator) was that […]

keeping it real

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Today was my annual lesson in authenticity. I’ve spent since November 7 riding my rollers a couple times a week to try to keep my legs about me. creative commons licensed ( BY-NC-SA ) flickr photo shared by CulturalVertigo It is actually a little less fun than it looks, but it is better than riding […]

going live

posted in: Highlight Reel | 0

I’ve been slowly moving the structure that I’ve started here over to my main site at It has been good to have this spot to test things out, work out some theme kinks and quirks and just figure out how this thing can all work together. I have a couple of presentations coming up […]

Experiencing Experiential Learning

“Learning is experience. Everything else is just information.”     Albert Einstein   Together with my colleagues, Kelly Warnock and Ken Monroe, I presented an interactive, hands-on workshop on Experiential Learning for TRU’s students, staff and faculty. Watch it here: Part1: Part 2:  


I awoke about half an hour ago with the realisation that it has been many days since the learning coach recorded any thoughts about what is happening in the world of coaching students to become better writers and to ‘find their voice’ in the social media world(s). Somehow the day-to-day grind of class prep, advising, grading, and the other minutiae of teaching crowd out the discipline of writing for me. I don’t want it to happen, but it is insidious and merciless against my forming a habit of writing.

So here I am in the middle of the night to get some writing done before I go back to sleep. Tomorrow I hope to inspire students to finish their courses well, to establish themselves in the social media world(s), and in some way, to make a difference that they are alive today. There are the easy ones, those who already ‘get it’ regarding social activism before I even begin to talk through the opportunities available in our world. There are never quite enough of them, but they brighten up my day and put a spring into my step. But how will I reach those who are still more interested in what the world offers in terms of their own pleasure and entertainment? Can I entertain them enough to pull them into more serious matters, considerations, and reflections?

That’s all I can contribute for the present. I hope that I will come back daily, despite the end-of-term pressures that are mounting and despite the natural tendency I have to take in rather than give back. Time will tell.