Hope Is At Very Least A Verb and Not A Noun

Hope Is At Very Least A Verb and Not A Noun Hope within and hope without, neither mete nor bound, but instead a “beating of the bounds”. A road not taken is still the path  whose right-of-way is an end.   So, where does hope abide? The smoke of words curling from the waking of our minds? No, … Continue reading Hope Is At Very Least A Verb and Not A Noun


Social media manager tool, Buffer, has added a nice image plaything called “Pablo”. Think of it as Canva for Twitter.  Here is what it looks like under the hood: Here is the finished sample. I have been listening to Pico Iyer’s The Art of Stillness and this quote jumped out in all its quiet grace. … Continue reading PABLO: TWITTER IMAGE TOOL VIA BUFFER


Social media manager tool, Buffer, has added a nice image plaything called “Pablo”. Think of it as Canva for Twitter.  Here is what it looks like under the hood: Here is the finished sample. I have been listening to Pico Iyer’s The Art of Stillness and this quote jumped out in all its quiet grace. … Continue reading PABLO: TWITTER IMAGE TOOL VIA BUFFER

Scraped and Scratched and Scrabbled and Scrooged

I love reading and learning  blog posts like the one below. How ‘appflows’ reveal the true power of the iPad Air 2 | Electronista. The image above comes from my new play thing,  Adobe Shape which I found in the ‘appflow’ post above. And ones like this. I get a serious ‘feelgood’ from things and people … Continue reading Scraped and Scratched and Scrabbled and Scrooged

Western-Centric Privilege | Now What?

People of privilege, yeah, I mean me.  I’m talking to you, me.  I always find myself a bit silenced when this issue is raised. Yes, I am white and male and by many, many definitions privileged.  And does my privilege impinge upon those without it. Probably.  All the way down. So…I see what the problem is. … Continue reading Western-Centric Privilege | Now What?

A Shepherd’s Journal: February 22, 2015 | The Night Stage

There are three ewes ready to drop.  Or so it would seem.  I got up early this morning (2:30 am) to see if they were going to lamb.  I don’t know who was more expectant, me or them.  Me, I guess, because there were no lambs.  The expectant leaving me expecting.  I am glad, but … Continue reading A Shepherd’s Journal: February 22, 2015 | The Night Stage

False Horizons or Failure of the Imagination or …

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This post started off as a very short comment on the chart below.  It has become the monster below.  Please, dear reader, forgive me, but please read me.  I need all the help I can get. Audrey Watters has a salutary chart in her most recent blog post at HackEducation.  The chart below is a summing … Continue reading False Horizons or Failure of the Imagination or …

Hope Full in February, the Honest-to-God Cruelest Month

Going on about the weather is trite when the weathermeisters natter on. But when I have to get up at 3 am to check on the lambs, it is not. Verily it is not trite. In fact the past week has been an exercise in the depressive grinding of its miserable self down onto me … Continue reading Hope Full in February, the Honest-to-God Cruelest Month

Sing it, Saxomophone Man!

Kevin had a bit of musical bio this morning on his website. It inspired me. Real self-insight into what makes this polymath tick. And I’ll give you one clue–it’s what comes out of the horn. Yes, music. Saxophone music to be specific. Kevin’s got a real gig with his band coming up so I am … Continue reading Sing it, Saxomophone Man!