It’s always show time here at the edge of the stage

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Most of my experiments with web publication have been experiments with form. My late-and-unlamented blog on Blogger, my Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ presences, even my DS106 blog (which needs a daily create before it starts pining for the fjords) – all primarily attempts to understand tools through their constraints. So the act of planning the … Continue reading It’s always show time here at the edge of the stage

A Portfolio Response to Summary

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An Improvisational portfolio on the subject of Ferris Jabr’s “Why Brains Prefer Paper”. For class,  Friday the 13th, February, 2015 1. Here is the article for summary: 2. Here is the diigo annotated link: 3. Here is the diigo outliner that scraped all the links and little bit more as I attempted to ‘Backward engineer’ … Continue reading A Portfolio Response to Summary

exploring petersen creek

Took a little photo safari today with my youngest son and only daughter. Son #1 decided that the couch was preferable to enjoying the spring weather…oh well, maybe tomorrow. Anyways, the purpose of our little adventure was to get up into Petersen Creek Park in Kamloops and let Selah experiment with longer exposure photography. Surprisingly, […]

February 7, 2015 | A Shepherd’s Journal: Nothing. Done.

I have a reason to be about inside this beastly hour scrubbing the moony fields for lambs. a mule braying at distance. Mars two handbreadths away from a waning full moon. shadows full as noon. Young toms touching whisker trading sniffs of where they’ve been. neighbors a mile away security lights ablaze. stars even farther. … Continue reading February 7, 2015 | A Shepherd’s Journal: Nothing. Done.

Engagement: I Do Not Think It Memes What You Think It Memes

When I search Google for “engagement WKU” or “student engagement”  I get a hot mess of stuff.  In fact it clarifies for me how the word has lapsed into confusion (at least for me).  The Google nGram chart below for “student engagement” indicates that before 1962 there is no record of  the use of the … Continue reading Engagement: I Do Not Think It Memes What You Think It Memes

Every one of them words rang true

We had an exciting visit to Kenyon by David Rosenwasser and Jill Stephen, authors of Writing Analytically. (Dave and Jill are absolutely charming and wonderful workshop facilitators; if you’re having a campus conversation about writing you should look them up.) One of their techniques is to have students keep a commonplace book. As a classroom … Continue reading Every one of them words rang true