An Infinite Ignorance

One particular problem looms large when I think about doing or learning anything new: There is so much out there, where shall I begin?

Today, I received/synthesized some understanding why this happens (to me). I overheard a comment of a participant on The Current (daily radio show on CBC) to the effect that learning happens on the edges of what we know. 

I reflected back on ready of a couple decades past (Gleick, Chaos Theory) which revealed (invented?) the notion that coastlines are of infinite length because of the existence of fractals where the water meets the land: The more you zoom in on the intersection, the more detailed (and longer) the revealed coast is.

I think this is relevant to my awareness of how ignorant I am (and how infinite the starting points for any (learning) project). Sigh…

Minimum/Maximum Curation Theater

Who am I kidding? I’ll never get around to the ones I want to read in the video embedded above. The plenty of the Internet is appalling. Consider the Diigo outline of pages/posts/sites that I have vacuumed up this week that all DEMAND to be properly attended to, to get the maximum curation they deserve. … Continue reading Minimum/Maximum Curation Theater

Thesis, unravelled

So I had this vision of the overall SHAPE of my thesis, formed in part by books on grad school and by mandatory 100-level grad classes on Methodology and various theories, all helpful and well-intentioned. Roaring out the gate after coursework, my starting point was, ideally, something like this: After a year plus of compiling, branching out, […]

Open Online Seminar being offered January-March 2015

I have just joined which is an 8 week open, online, self-paced seminar hosted at Thompson Rivers University.  The seminar is about digital storytelling, guided by Alan Levine and Brian Lamb. The invitation to participate was posted on the MIE Expert Facebook group. The challenge is to do things I haven’t done before.  Also I hope to acquire skills […]

Back in the saddle, a new year

Well HELLO 2015 and a new year! It’s been a while since I’ve added anything to this blog. It’s not that my reading and research have been on hiatus, it’s more that things have become rather messy as the notes and papers have compiled and I was daunted at getting that heap of words and theories and the growing, increasingly tangled […]