16 panel biography, a comic book assignment

It’s been almost two years since I participated in Scott McClouds’ comic book workshop, and there are lingering artefacts and ideas which I see and think about all the time. Above is a series of images from Scotts’ book Making Comics which he had printed on 8.5 X 11, and taped up over a window on our … Continue reading 16 panel biography, a comic book assignment

Photo exercise – 15 minute discovery

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This exercise posed a few problems for me, not the least of which was the time constraint.  Of course at the end of the exercise I saw quite a few things that I thought would be more appropriate than the images I am submitting now, but I decided to stick to the parameters.  I found […]

Design Safari

posted in: Highlight Reel | 0

For the You Show unit 3, one of the things we could do was a design safari, where we take pictures of things that express certain design principles (which are explained through links, here). I have been trying to find designs to take pictures of all last week and this week (I’m a bit behind), […]

ID ing

posted in: Highlight Reel | 0

It certainly seems like there is a lot more interest in the skill of instructional design these days.creative commons licensed ( BY-NC-SA ) flickr photo shared by led-maha.weebly.com. Perhaps this interest comes from the increase in modes of learning that are available today. Particularly in the e-learning realm. People can choose anything from MOOC’s which

Engagement: I Do Not Think It Memes What You Think It Memes

When I search Google for “engagement WKU” or “student engagement”  I get a hot mess of stuff.  In fact it clarifies for me how the word has lapsed into confusion (at least for me).  The Google nGram chart below for “student engagement” indicates that before 1962 there is no record of  the use of the … Continue reading Engagement: I Do Not Think It Memes What You Think It Memes