Sitting is the new smoking

Ward Elementary School in North Carolina filled a classroom with donated stationary bikes and invited students to read and pedal. Result:  “Students who spent more time in the Read and Ride program achieved 83% proficiency in reading while students who spent the least amount of time in the program had significantly lower scores, with only … Continue reading Sitting is the new smoking

Screencast resources galore

Bernie Warren identified Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Everything site in his TPC discussion. It is a comprehensive site with tremendous information in a wide variety of topics. As far as screencasting goes, there’s something on it to meet the needs of everyone from beginner to expert.  Check out Kathy Schrock’s site  here. Enjoy!

My lucky day

Some believe Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, but I think not.  Today I have requested an office visit with one of the YouShow creators, Brian.  I am a bit of a technophobe, so wish for patience for Brian today. Born into a world where computers and cell phones were not attached to my […]