Breathing with Another’s Eyes: Thinklinking with Thinglink

I have been creating a series of mashup responses to Nick Sousanis’ grand vision of the world, his graphic dissertation, Unflattening.  He and Kevin Hodgson and I have been tweeting back and forth … Source: This is not just close reading: this is macro reading. And we can think this together with Thinglink.  What I … Continue reading Breathing with Another’s Eyes: Thinklinking with Thinglink

Appreciate the Suck

It’s hard to stay motivated when you suck. Crossfit has a definitive way of reminding you just how much you suck on a pretty consistent basis. Obviously, like everything in life: diet, exercise, work, parenting –  you will have your ups and downs, good weeks and bad weeks…

Metamodernist Instructional Design and the False Goal of Primacy in MOOCs

This has been an interesting year in the MOOC discussion realm, with everything from MOOC 4.0 to arguments about who controls the conversation about MOOC research. But a strain that has always seem… Source: We’re here. We’re fearless. We’re failure free. CLMOOC   Now here’s the big question this article raises:  “What does it … Continue reading Metamodernist Instructional Design and the False Goal of Primacy in MOOCs

Thinking (again) about the sequential art (comics) workshop

Its been a long minute that this post has sat in a draft form in my dashboard, 2 years in fact. There wasn’t even really much written here just the bunch of links below and some half baked intentions, but having recently gone back to scan all the pages of one specific sketchbook (for another upcoming … Continue reading Thinking (again) about the sequential art (comics) workshop

The One Panel Universe|University: A Close Read of Nick Sousanis’ Unflattening

I discovered this book via #rhizo15.  Thanks. I know that the comments swamp the content in the image below–noise flattening the signal–so read his text first. Better yet, buy the book. ‘Tis wort… Source: Critique of non-rhizomatic learning?  We shall see. See on – Rhizomatic Learning for Dummies