February 7, 2015 | A Shepherd’s Journal: Nothing. Done.

I have a reason to be about inside this beastly hour scrubbing the moony fields for lambs. a mule braying at distance. Mars two handbreadths away from a waning full moon. shadows full as noon. Young toms touching whisker trading sniffs of where they’ve been. neighbors a mile away security lights ablaze. stars even farther. … Continue reading February 7, 2015 | A Shepherd’s Journal: Nothing. Done.

Engagement: I Do Not Think It Memes What You Think It Memes

When I search Google for “engagement WKU” or “student engagement”  I get a hot mess of stuff.  In fact it clarifies for me how the word has lapsed into confusion (at least for me).  The Google nGram chart below for “student engagement” indicates that before 1962 there is no record of  the use of the … Continue reading Engagement: I Do Not Think It Memes What You Think It Memes

Every one of them words rang true

We had an exciting visit to Kenyon by David Rosenwasser and Jill Stephen, authors of Writing Analytically. (Dave and Jill are absolutely charming and wonderful workshop facilitators; if you’re having a campus conversation about writing you should look them up.) One of their techniques is to have students keep a commonplace book. As a classroom … Continue reading Every one of them words rang true

A #walkmyworld remix► Play Zeega ►by Greg McVerrySo I just…

A #walkmyworld remix

► Play Zeega ►

by Greg McVerry

So I just finished this remix. It is for #walkmyworld.

I started by first reading and annotating my two sources. Today I stole from JPG’s Anti-Education Era and Marlene Scardamalia and Carl Bereiter idea of knowledge communities

I wanted to play with Gee’s work so I made a series of Gifs. One for each element of the circuit of reflective inquiry. Gee’s premis is that we are dumb alone but groups and tools can make us smarter…if we engage in the circuit of reflective inquiry. To make the gifs I just held my smart phone and used an Android App Video to Gif. Took some experimenting to get the file size down.

Then I found images from #walkmyworld to remix with Scardamalia and Bereiter’s work. All of the words are straight lifted from here.

I then end the obligatory think on this questions.

Myself in Four Icons

Before jumping into the youshow with my first crack at an ‘icon story’ assignment or, “Describe Yourself in Four Icons #ysdaily14“, I watched this video. Make a four icon collage of symbols or icons that describe you or your interests. Try to find ones that are graphically uniform in design – the ones above are from … Continue reading Myself in Four Icons

Petty Joys: A Series | Part Two: If You Can’t Open It, You Don’t Own It

One of my grand joys has been using a fountain pen.  When we were kids my parents let us fill our own ink cartridges with syringe and a bottle of Shaeffer peacock blut “Quink”.  I never had a ‘stick’ pen until I went to junior high school and I sharpened my pencils mostly with a pen knife … Continue reading Petty Joys: A Series | Part Two: If You Can’t Open It, You Don’t Own It

Drawings on the wall, and the internet.

  I’ve been thinking about my life drawing practice lately. I always keep an arrangement of my best works displayed on a ‘gallery wall’ at my place, a habit I find both enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing. I can often have the same ones posted for months, but when its time, I think nothing of replacing them with fresh pieces. I do … Continue reading Drawings on the wall, and the internet.

Discoveries from ‘Data’: Not New Landscapes, New Eyes

(mouseover gif above) I asked students to respond to a Google Form for class last week. The point in doing so was to see what students made of the data from that form. I wanted them to look over what amounted to a snapshot of community activity. (If you are interested in the data, just … Continue reading Discoveries from ‘Data’: Not New Landscapes, New Eyes