Old Guy on Porch Reads Walden to Kids on Meerkat

One of the biggest problems folks have with embracing ad hoc online conversation is that there is a lot of friction from the decision to do it and doing it.  Maybe Meerkat has figured that out much as many online social photo apps have.  These are my first attempts at pure play in these sand lots. … Continue reading Old Guy on Porch Reads Walden to Kids on Meerkat

Does Your “Company” Care?

Seth’s Blog: Companies don’t care about you http://t.co/4hWIgkk1RD Ask this question but insert “school” where “company” is. — Terry Elliott (@telliowkuwp) March 21, 2015 Who or what is your ‘company’? Is it an abstraction, a legal fiction for which and from which we claim institutional imperatives? Is it company as in ‘a group of actors … Continue reading Does Your “Company” Care?

Course Design and Online Group Collaboration — What’s the Connection?

Originally posted on Online Learning Insights:
Facilitating group work in an online course for instructors is often the most challenging aspect of teaching an online class. The amount of time invested by students and the instructor in the group process can be significant; unfortunately there’s often more time spent on logistics of the assignment than on meaningful learning. But there is a…

Currant status ツ

I wanted to have another round of propagating off of this “Mother of all Blackcurrants” this year. After experimenting with this, direct to pot technique in 2012, I know its an easy and effective way to make new plants. I outlined my process in a flickr album (see below) but essentially, I’m growing a branch through a … Continue reading Currant status ツ