Your Body is a Wonderland

The importance of nutrition in pre and post workout recovery is critical. We should value nutrition’s role in recovery as much or more than mobility. In reality, the two go hand in hand, but there is no one method of recovery that acts in isolation.

Flipped Classrooms – Turn to your neighbor and create.

So, what is a flipped classroom and why would you bother? The concept can be found in the 1995 article by Barr and Tagg, From Teaching to Learning: A New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education.  If you truly want to understand the architecture of a flipped classroom, form a team of discovery and follow along. Individually, […]

Flipped Classrooms – Turn to your neighbor and create.

So, what is a flipped classroom and why would you bother? The concept can be found in the 1995 article by Barr and Tagg, From Teaching to Learning: A New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education.  If you truly want to understand the architecture of a flipped classroom, form a team of discovery and follow along. Individually, […]